miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

E-Twinning Project 2015-2016

This year, the 6th graders are participating in an E-Twinning Project called "International Calendar". We are working with other children in three countries: Greece, Poland and Italy.

We hope we enjoy the experience!!!

viernes, 3 de julio de 2015


El passat 9 de Juny els alumnes de 3r de primària de l’escola van participar en l’ENGLISH DAY organitzat per les mestres d’anglès del poble. En l’edició d’enguany l’eix conductor era “Scotland” i els alumnes van poder gaudir d’un matí d’aprenentatge i diversió, sobre la temàtica en qüestió, utilitzant l’anglès com a llengua vehicular.

En el següent enllaç us deixem les fotos de la jornada per si hi voleu fer un cop d’ull: 

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

e-Twinning project- April

The 6th graders have invented some food riddles in pairs, in order to send to our mates of the project.

We hope you like it!

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

e-Twinning March

In March we have revised some grammar rules about countable and uncountable nouns:

e-twinning project- February

In February, the sixth graders worked on some vocabulary and learnt the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. They made posters with some examples:

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015


Primary 1 - The Snowman: Students have made a fantastic snowman using different materials: cotton, paper, cardboard, plasticine and wax crayons. The results are great!

Primary 2- Eskimos: The second graders have made a funny eskimo puppet!

Primary 3 and 4- Snowflakes and penguins3rd and 4th formers have cut out paper snowflakes and made plasticine penguins!

e-twinning January

Last Tuesday afternoon the 6th graders had a special session dedicated to food, in fact, they brought some dishes they had prepared at home. Everything was delicious and we had a very good time!

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015